Professional Urgent Orthopedic Care Services

What Makes Us Different

We at Orthopedic Physicians Associates are the premier provider of orthopedic and musculoskeletal health services in the Pacific Northwest. We are your one-stop shop for all things orthopedic, whether it is patient resources, locating a physician or physician assistant, or acquiring urgent orthopedic care.

We also offer services such as telehealth, which allows professional physicians to communicate with you digitally, in our bid to reach more patients, and make orthopedic care easier to access.  

We at Orthopedic Physicians Associates strive to get you back to your life so that you can live life to the fullest in the most pain-free and comfortable way.

Read on to learn about how we can assist you with urgent orthopedic care.


Urgent Orthopedic Care Services

urgent orthopedic care

At Orthopedic Physicians Associates, we offer a variety of urgent care options.


One of the most important services we offer is diagnostics. We offer comprehensive diagnostic methods to patients presenting with specific complaints so that we can offer the best solution for your situation. 

We make use of EMGs, pedCAT, ultrasound, MRIs, and diagnostic X-rays to determine what could be the cause of your immobility or pain, so that we can offer the best treatment that ultimately results in you getting back on your feet as quickly as possible. 


Cartiva is one of the primary ways to treat arthritis of the toes, particularly the joint of the big toe. Cartiva is synthetic cartilage (usually made from polyvinyl alcohol or PVA) that is used to replace damaged cartilage in the toe joints.

Your toes’ joints are paramount in your everyday movement, ensuring that weight is distributed evenly, and keeping you stable.

A Cartiva replacement is preferable to a fusion for two reasons. Firstly, a Cartiva replacement does not fuse any of your toe joints. It allows the damaged toe joint to still move like it should, without hindering any range of movement. This wouldn’t be the case if a fusion was performed – there would be no mobility of the toe joint with a fusion.

Secondly, a Cartiva cartilage replacement has a much better recovery time. Your foot will be able to bear your weight immediately after surgery. A fusion only allows for weight to be placed on the foot after 6 weeks.


This type of intervention is ideal for patients suffering from osteoarthritis in the knees. With osteoarthritis, the cartilage which cushions your joints gradually degenerates, which results in a loss of cartilage, resulting in pain in the joint that affects your mobility and movement.

With osteoarthritis of the knee, the most common intervention is usually a complete knee replacement, replacing your knee joint with an artificially constructed implant. This is usually the last resort for advanced osteoarthritis which affects the entire knee.

In patients with early to mid-stage osteoarthritis of the knee, MAKOplasty Partial Knee Resurfacing is an excellent option because it can be applied to the specific compartments of the knee that are affected. The RIO technology will make use of a CT scan of your knee to tailor-make an implant that fits perfectly.

MAKOplasty is a minimally invasive surgery performed with RIO robotic arm technology and can be performed either as an outpatient or inpatient procedure. Outpatients can usually return home on the same day as the procedure. Walking is permitted soon after surgery, and the resumption of normal daily activities follows in the few weeks after the procedure, speaking to an excellent recovery timeline with this type of procedure.

This type of procedure works well for early to mid-stage osteoarthritis of the knee, because it allows only for the diseased parts of the knee to be resurfaced, preserving as much of the original healthy knee joint as possible.

PRP Injections

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma and is a procedure that uses the patient’s own blood (with platelet concentrations above baseline) to provide healing to injured musculoskeletal components – most specifically joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Platelets in the blood release growth factors and cytokines, which are said to find damaged tissue and accelerate the healing process.  The procedure is minimally invasive and can be done in the office, as long as it is arranged for ahead of time.

This procedure is mostly performed on torn Achilles tendons and rotator cuffs, as well as for osteoarthritis of the hips and knees.

When To Visit Urgent Orthopedic Care

You need to visit orthopedic care as soon as you feel you have injured yourself and feel pain and difficulty with your mobility. This can happen through playing sports, exercising, falling and injuring yourself, or even when simply walking becomes painful.

It is a good idea to seek orthopedic care in the following circumstances:

  • You suspect a possible broken bone
  • If you have twisted your ankle or rolled your foot
  • If you have dislocated one of your joints
  • If you have sprained a joint (usually whilst playing sport or exercising)
  • You have wounded a joint and notice swelling

Use OPA Ortho For Your Urgent Orthopedic Care Needs

At OPA Ortho, we have a wide range of diagnostic tools to assist you in finding the cause and appropriate treatment for any urgent orthopedic care you may need.

Request an appointment today or call us for all your orthopedic health needs.


  • Arthritis
  • Baseball injuries
  • Distal bicep tendon tear or rupture
  • Fractures
  • Growth plate injuries
  • Loose bodies
  • Sports injuries
  • Tendinitis
    • Golfers elbow
    • Tennis elbow
  • Ulnar collateral ligament
  • Ulnar nerve compression
  • Arthroscopic surgery
  • Fracture care
  • Injections
    • Cortisone
    • PRP
  • Loose body removal
  • Non-operative and conservative treatment
  • Tommy John Surgery VIDEO ►
  • Ulnar nerve release/ transposition




For acute orthopedic injuries after scheduled clinic and urgent care hours, please utilize the HURT! app, in partnership with OPAOrtho, for fast, free access to orthopedic advice with a response time of less than 4 minutes.  Download here