Orthopedic Doctors Northgate

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    Best Orthopedic Doctor Near You in Northgate

    If you are experiencing any musculoskeletal complaints in Northgate, OPA Ortho can help you source orthopedic doctors in Northgate to get you the help you need to get back to living your life as normally as possible.

    Whether you are experiencing pain whilst moving or walking, have problems with your mobility, or have suffered a traumatic injury or accident involving your bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles, then you may need to seek the help of an orthopedic doctor. 

    Types of Conditions Orthopedic Doctors Treat

    Our orthopedic doctors in Northgate will address any complaints relating to your musculoskeletal system. Pain and other problems with mobility related to your bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments are treated by an orthopedic doctor or other orthopedic professional.

    orthopedic doctors in Northgate

    Bone fractures

    A fracture is a bone that is broken. Fractures can range from cracks in the bone right through to a complete break. Fractures tend to occur when a bone is subjected to pressure and impact that is larger than it can handle, usually from a fall or some kind of injury.

    Muscle strains

    A muscle strain is a pulled muscle and happens when your muscle has either been stretched past the point that it can handle or has completely torn. 

    Muscle strains usually occur from overuse, improper use (such as being in a bad position when performing an exercise), or muscle fatigue.

    Muscle strains can cause mild to moderate pain and can limit your movement. However, they can usually be treated with home remedies such as heat, ice, and anti-inflammatory medicines.

    Joint or back pain

    Pain in your joints (knees, elbows, shoulders, and hips), as well as back pain, can, in some cases, be indicative of an illness or an injury. Joint and back pain are relatively common orthopedic complaints.


    Arthritis is a particular type of joint pain that is caused by inflammation of the joints, resulting in incapacitating joint pain.

    There are various types of arthritis, such as degenerative osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, and gout, among others.

    Carpal tunnel syndrome

    Carpal tunnel syndrome includes symptoms of tingling, numbness, pain, and weakness in the hand or arm and is caused by pressure being placed on the median nerve that runs through the palm side of your hand.

    Carpel tunnel syndrome is often caused by repetitive hand motions and can affect the range of motion and movement in your wrist and hand.

    Injuries to tendons or ligaments

    Injuries to tendons and ligaments comprise things such as sprains, strains, tendonitis, and ACL tears. An orthopedic doctor will be able to diagnose your ligament or tendon injury and will be able to ascertain the cause as well as a course of treatment leading to recovery.

    Limb abnormalities

    Congenital limb abnormalities such as bowlegs and clubfoot can also be treated by an orthopedic doctor. 

    There are various causes for limb abnormalities (very often misalignment or ligaments and tendons that are either too long or too short), and orthopedic doctors and surgeons can employ a variety of methods of treatment to rectify the problem.

    Bone cancer

    Although an incredibly rare cancer, bone cancer tends to affect long bones in the arms or legs, or the pelvic bones. The most common treatment is surgical removal, often used in conjunction with other cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation.

    Types of Procedures Orthopedic Doctors Perform

    Our orthopedic doctors in Northgate are able to perform a variety of procedures, ranging from nonsurgical procedures that are designed to promote healing and rehabilitation, to surgical treatments for more serious orthopedic complaints.

    Nonsurgical Treatments


    Exercises that orthopedic professionals prescribe are primarily employed for rehabilitative purposes – that is to say, to train your affected or injured body part to resume normal movement and range of motion, so that you can return to normal daily functioning without pain. 

    Exercises can be prescribed as a standalone treatment for your orthopedic complaint, or can complement a treatment such as a corrective surgery.

    Examples of exercises range from physiotherapy, to occupational therapy, and stretching to gain movement and range of motion back.


    In many cases of injury to bones, ligaments, and tendons, immobilization is a necessary non-surgical intervention that allows the injury to heal. Not only does keeping the area still allow for healing to take place, but it also reduces pain and swelling.

    Immobilization techniques include braces, casts, collars, slings, and other methods, depending on the orthopedic injury.


    In many cases, medication such as anti-inflammatory medication or muscle relaxants can aid in the healing of an injury by reducing pain. These can help as a standalone treatment, or prescribed after a surgery to aid in the recovery process.

    Lifestyle changes

    Lifestyle changes such as healthy eating and exercise can aid in the recovery from an orthopedic injury. It can also help reduce the risks of developing degenerative diseases such as arthritis, and can help reduce the pain associated with it.

    For example, maintaining a healthy weight ensures that your joints are not put under unnecessary pressure, which could lead to degeneration and pain in the joint.

    Surgical Treatments

    Joint replacement

    In some instances, it is necessary to perform a total joint replacement to restore function to the affected area. Total joint replacements are one of the most commonly performed orthopedic surgeries and involve the replacement of an arthritic or damaged joint with a synthetically constructed joint.

    Internal fixation

    This type of surgery is usually performed on fractured bones. It physically reconnects the broken bones, usually with the addition of pins, screws, plates, wires, rods, or nails, and fixes the bone to the correct position in order to promote healing of the fracture.


    Fusion surgery is usually performed on the spine, and joins two or more vertebrae together to reduce motion and movement between vertebrae, thereby reducing pain and discomfort.


    This type of procedure involves the cutting of a bone to reshape it or adding bone to existing bone tissue to reshape it and promote better movement and mobility. This type of surgery is often performed on joints, but can be performed all over the body, including the jaw.

    Soft tissue repair

    These types of surgeries are designed to improve the stability of joints by repairing the length of muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Soft tissue surgery can also entail the removal of masses or tumors, as well as hernia repairs.  

    Release surgery

    As the name implies, release surgery is when an orthopedic doctor releases tension or pressure caused by a pulled ligament or tendon, usually by cutting it and allowing it to heal properly. Release surgery is commonly performed for carpal tunnel syndrome but can also be performed on joints.

    How OPA Ortho Can Help

    No matter what kind of orthopedic complaint you may have, OPA ortho can help you in providing you with invaluable patient resources as well as an easy means to contact an orthopedic professional near you in the quickest amount of time.

    OPA Ortho prides itself with connecting patients to board-certified experienced orthopedic doctors in Northgate, who can diagnose and treat you timeously, allowing you to get back to your regular movement and mobility as quickly as possible.

    Request an appointment today or call us for all your orthopedic queries. OPA Ortho can assist you with the best orthopedic professionals and get you back on track to living your life in the most pain-free and comfortable way possible.

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