Knee Condition & Treatment Lynnwood

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    Lynnwood Knee Conditions & Treatment

    The knee joint is delicate. Our knees move us through our lives as we work, play, and dance, but they don’t stay healthy forever.

    Your knee could sustain an injury or develop one of several different conditions. These issues can range in severity from slightly bothersome to life-altering and need a medical evaluation to prevent them from worsening.

    For knee conditions and treatments in Lynnwood, contact OPA Ortho. The compassionate staff will diagnose your condition and advise you on the best treatments for knee pain.

    Orthopedic Conditions of the Knee

    Knee conditions can affect people of all ages and activity levels. Various conditions cause pain, swelling, and limited movement. Many individuals may consider ignoring their pain and hoping it goes away, but this is often ineffective. An orthopedic physician can evaluate your knee and work with you to form a treatment plan.

    When a medical professional examines your knee, they may diagnose you with one of the common conditions of the knee, such as: 

    • ACL injury
    • Fractured kneecap
    • Arthritis 
    • Torn meniscus 
    • Dislocated kneecap 
    • Bursitis 

    Though an internet search may offer treatment exercises for common knee conditions, it is crucial that you do not attempt physical therapy without first consulting a medical professional. Improper treatment can sometimes cause your condition to worsen, turning an acute problem into a chronic one. Seeking professional advice can prevent potential problems and help you target your issue more effectively.

    conditions of the knee

    Common Treatments for Knee Pain

    When you suffer from chronic knee pain, you need to know ways to get relief on a daily basis. If you have mild discomfort, you can take advantage of common temporary fixes. A typical way to treat knee pain at home is rest, ice, compression, elevation, or R.I.C.E:

    • Rest your knee as much as possible and try to reduce strain.
    • Ice the joint for 20 minutes at a time. Heat therapy may substitute for cold therapy, depending on the nature of the injury.
    • Compress the knee using a brace during movement, such as at work or doing chores around the home.
    • Elevate the knee to reduce swelling. The more you relax the joint, the more relief you will experience. 

    This method can offer some relief until you are able to see a medical professional. 

    In addition to the R.I.C.E. method, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can reduce pain and swelling. Low-impact exercises, such as walking or yoga, can also help ease knee pain conditions. Speak to your doctor about other knee treatments without surgery and get help reducing your discomfort.

    When to Seek Medical Attention for Knee Joint Conditions

    If at-home treatment does not relieve your pain and stiffness, an orthopedist should evaluate your knee before the condition worsens. This is especially true if your knee pain interferes with your everyday life and keeps you from completing tasks or enjoying hobbies. An orthopedic doctor can provide knee pain treatments to reduce problems and restore your functional ability.

    Physical therapy can help relieve knee pain without surgery but don’t try it on your own. Exercising the knee in the wrong way can worsen damage instead of improving it. Your physical therapist can provide you with a list of exercises to follow and show you how to complete them properly; following these instructions can potentially help you avoid additional medical treatment.

    When you have extensive knee damage, the only remedy may be a surgical procedure. Speak to your doctor to discuss the severity of your condition, find out how to prepare for surgery, and receive additional information.

    If you do not see a doctor for knee conditions and treatments in Lynnwood, your body will begin to overcompensate as it copes with constant pain. Overcompensation may bring relief to one area but can cause additional injury in another part of the knee or even injure the other knee as it becomes overworked. As such, it’s important to make sure you contact a professional quickly.

    Compassionate Knee Treatments in Lynnwood 

    When it comes to conditions of the knee, OPA Ortho has a team of specialists who offer full orthopedic care, including arthritis relief and sprained knee treatments. 

    When you feel pain, your body is sending you a message. Listen to your body and seek treatment for knee pain before it becomes unmanageable. 

    Knee surgery is not the only option for knee conditions and treatments in Lynnwood, WA. Our physicians will offer an array of treatment options before resorting to invasive procedures. Contact our office at 206-309-4374 to schedule an appointment with a member of our orthopedic team.

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    For acute orthopedic injuries after scheduled clinic and urgent care hours, please utilize the HURT! app, in partnership with OPAOrtho, for fast, free access to orthopedic advice with a response time of less than 4 minutes.  Download here