Foot & Ankle Conditions And Treatments Renton

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    Best Foot & Ankle Treatment Near You in Renton

    Your feet and ankles are responsible for much of your mobility and are constantly under the pressure of your body weight. Suffering strain or other injuries to either your feet or ankles can result in a lot of pain and mobility issues for Renton residents.

    If you suspect that your foot or ankle has sustained an injury of any kind, it’s important to take care of your body and seek orthopedic care. 

    Here at OPA Ortho in Renton, we have a team of orthopedic and podiatric specialists who specialize in the wellbeing of the human body. We are able to treat a vast number of orthopedic or podiatry conditions at our Renton clinic and would love to use our medical expertise to help you heal and regain full mobility again.


    Renton Foot & Ankle Conditions & Treatments

    Foot Conditions That We Treat at Our Renton Clinic

    Some of the foot and ankle conditions that we are able to treat at our Renton clinic include the following orthopedic conditions. If you have not had your podiatric injury diagnosed, our team of specialists is able to help analyze and diagnose your injury.

    Podiatric Fractures

    Fracturing one’s toe, ankle, or foot isn’t very hard to do. All it takes is a misstep or landing on your ankle the wrong way while playing sports to result in a podiatric fracture.

    Undiagnosed Ankle or Foot Pain

    Pain is your body’s way of telling you that there is a problem. Don’t just ignore ankle of foot pain in hopes that it will eventually dissipate. Listen to your pain and schedule an appointment with a podiatrist in Renton.

    Sports-Related Injuries

    Athletes are at an increased risk of injuring their feet and ankles on the playing field. While some athletes think that their bodies will realign and heal without professional help, it’s important to understand that the body will attempt to heal to the best of its ability, and in many cases, the body doesn’t completely heal or return to normal but instead will mask the injury.

    Loose Bodies in the Feet and Ankles

    A loose body is a small fragment of cartilage or bone that detaches and floats freely inside of a joint or other space. Loose bodies in the feet or ankles may cause a lot of discomforts and limit an individual’s mobility.

    Bunions or Hammertoes

    These are conditions that may develop when an individual wears ill-fitting shoes and footwear. Not only are bunions and hammertoes aesthetically displeasing (bunions are bulges that form on the inside of the foot near the big toe and hammertoes often cause the toes to curl sometimes over other toes) but they are also painful. Conditions such as these require professional podiatric care to heal.

    Achilles Rupture or Tear

    Your achilles tendon is the largest tendon in your body, running from your heel to your calf. Achilles tendon ruptures or tears, while they can happen to anyone, usually happen to individuals who lead active lives (runners, gymnasts, dancers, athletes, etc.). Achilles tendon ruptures or tears are very painful injuries and should be treated by a Renton orthopedic specialist.

    Foot or Ankle Sprains

    Sprains are extremely common injuries among Renton residents. A person might suffer a foot or ankle sprain due to stepping in a hole, on uneven terrain, falling and landing on one’s foot or ankle, among many other reasons. The pain from a sprained ankle or foot might subside after a few days or a week but this doesn’t mean that your sprain is healed. Sprained feet or ankles should always be treated by a podiatrist.

    Morton’s Neuromas

    This foot condition occurs when the tissue surrounding certain nerves in the feet thickens. While there are no external signs of Morton’s Neuromas, individuals will experience a sharp, burning sensation usually in the ball of the foot that extends to the toes.

    Arthritis in the Feet or Ankles

    Arthritis is an unfortunate condition that can affect any joint in the body. It is an inflammatory condition that results in swollen joints, joint pain, and the sensation of the bones grinding painfully on one another.

    Contact a Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Specialist in Renton

    If you are suffering from an undiagnosed foot or ankle condition, schedule an appointment at OPA Ortho in Renton today. Here at OPA, we have a team of orthopedic specialists who are trained to help Renton residents recover from foot and ankle conditions. We know how debilitating foot and ankle conditions are and want to help you find a lasting solution to your pain or discomfort. Give OPA Ortho in Renton a call to schedule your first orthopedic appointment today.

    We Are Local:

    West Seattle | Northgate | Bellevue | Burien | Kirkland | Lynnwood | Redmond | Renton | Sammamish | Seattle | Shoreline


    • Achilles ruptures and tears
    • Ankle / foot / toe fractures
    • Ankle pain
    • Ankle sprains
    • Arthritis
    • Bunions, Hammertoes
    • Loose bodies
    • Morton’s Neuromas
    • Sports injuries
    • Ankle arthroscopy
    • Ankle fusion
    • Fracture repair
    • Total ankle replacement




    For acute orthopedic injuries after scheduled clinic and urgent care hours, please utilize the HURT! app, in partnership with OPAOrtho, for fast, free access to orthopedic advice with a response time of less than 4 minutes.  Download here